The practice recognises that discrimination on the grounds of disability is illegal. Through this policy, through training and by example, the practice wishes to demonstrate that it does not tolerate discrimination by anyone working at the practice.

The practice and its staff will not treat a disabled person less favourably than another person because of a disability. Less favourable treatment includes;

  • Refusing to treat a disabled patient
  • Giving a disabled patient a lower standard of service or treating him or her in a worse manner than an able bodied patient
  • Offering a disabled patient less favourable terms

The practice will not discriminate against a disabled person;

  • In the arrangements made for determining who should be offered employment
  • In the terms on which the disabled person is offered employment
  • By refusing to offer or deliberately not offering the disabled person employment
  • In the opportunities that are afforded to an employee for promotion, a transfer, training or receiving any other benefits.
  • By refusing to afford, or deliberately not affording, any such opportunity
  • By dismissal or any other detriment

This policy will be reviewed and updated regularly.