Lunch – Closed times

Our Practice is closed for lunch from 1:00pm until 2:00pm, Monday – Friday

Cancellations & No shows

We are a very busy surgery and we appreciate that patients have busy schedules too and that on occasions whatever the circumstance patients may want to cancel or postpone their treatment.

Patients who have an appointment must call our surgery or leave a message on our answer machine 48 hours before the appointment time in order to cancel. Any Late cancellation or No show will be subject to a fine, which is dependent upon the length of your scheduled appointment.

As a general rule, a £30 fine will be applied for every 20 minutes missed.

We do try to be reasonable with the above rule, but as you will appreciate, if you don’t show up, someone else who may be in pain could have had your appointment time! So please remember to call.

Opening times, cancellation & fine policies are subject to changes, and we reserve the rights to amend the above details at anytime. Please call the surgery for our most recent updates.